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Tafsir Hadis (b), Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah JAKARTA 2006.

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Tafsir Hadis (b), Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah JAKARTA 2006.

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Tafsir Hadis (b), Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah JAKARTA 2006.

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Tafsir Hadis (b), Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah JAKARTA 2006.

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Tafsir Hadis (b), Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah JAKARTA 2006.

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Kamis, 06 Desember 2012


At the level of reality, the hadith starting to get serious attention after a fifth period of Umayyad Caliph, that is caliphs Umar ibn Abdul 'Aziz. This is caused by Caliph‘s concern over disappearance of prophetic sunna, with the increasing number of scholars and companions of the Prophet Muhammad who passed away. On the other hand, increasing of Islamic power region is another factor that urged the Caliph ordered his governors to be recorded hadiths that exist in the scholars in their respective areas. From then on many emerging counterfeit hadiths (hadits maudhû’), the scholars at that time did a rigorous selection against existing hadiths. The selection was then spawned a discipline that we know as ‘ulûmul hadits’.
The 'hadith scholars' share hadith through two approaches; first, by looking at the quantity of narrators, ie by looking at the number of narrators who narrated at each level sanad (sanad according to the language is 'backrest' or 'parapet', according to the terms 'hadith scholars' is the way that deliver us to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy, History and Introduction Science of Hadith, (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1954), page 192) of hadith. Second, by looking at the quality of the narrator, which is looking at the valuation of the 'hadith scholars' of the narrators who narrated the hadith. In terms of the number of narrator, there are two forms of the division of hadith. The first form is divided into mutawatir and ahad hadith.
1.      Mutawatir Hadith
Mutawatir hadith is tradition reported by a number of people at every level of isnaad, traditionally it is impossible they agreed to lie and because it believed its truth (Mutawatir). Mutawatir hadith correctly sourced from the Prophet, therefore it is the second source of Islamic law after the Qur'an, in terms of authenticity because they qath'i al-wurud (something that surely its arrival). The scholars agree that the mutawatir hadith shall practiced in all aspects, including in the field of theology. Here are the requirements of a hadith classified into mutawatir:
a) Narrated by a large number of narrator.
b) This huge amount is at all levels (thabaqat) sanad.
c) According to the custom no way they plotting / agreed to lie
d) Backrest their hadith by using the senses, such as their words: we have heard, or we have seen, or we have touched, or something like that. But if they backrest by reasoning, it can not be said to be a hadith mutawatir.
As for the kinds of mutawatir it was parted into three parts:
a)      Mutawatir Lafdhî, when the pronunciation and meaning mutawatir. Eg: (مَنْ كَذَبَ عَلَيَّ مُتَعَمِّدًا فَلْيَتَبَوَّأْ مَقْعَدَهُ مِنْ النَّارِ) "Whoever intentionally lie on my behalf (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) then he would get the seat of fire of hell". This hadith has been narrated by over 70 companions of the Prophet, and among them, including 10 people who are guaranted to go to heaven.
b)      Mutawatir Ma’nawî, is mutawatir in terms of its significance, while the pronunciation is not. eg, the hadiths concerning lifted hands when praying. This hadith has been narrated from the Prophet, around 100 kinds of hadith about raised their hands when praying. And every case is different, whereas every case has not achieve the degree mutawatir. But it could be mutawatir with notes, several roads and similarities between these hadiths, that of lifted hands when praying .

2.      Ahâd Hadith
Ahâd according to the language has a meaning of 'one'. And khabarul-wahid is news that was narrated by one person. While according to the terms ahâd hadith is "hadith which has not met the requirements mutawatir". Ahâd hadith divided into three kinds, namely; Masyhûr, ‘Azîz, dan Gharîb.
ü  Masyhûr, is hadith narrated by three narrators or more, but has not yet reached the degree of mutawatir.
ü  Azîz, is hadith narrated by two narrators at each level of its chain of transmission, even after it narrated also by some narrator.
ü  Gharîb, is hadith that on one of the its sanad level there is only one person narrator.
In general, scholars of hadith classify the hadith reviewed in terms of its quality into two groups, i.e. the 'maqbûl' hadith and 'mardûd' hadith. Maqbûl hadith consists of shahîh hadith and hasan hadith. While mardûd hadith consists of the dha’îf hadith with variant names and terms given by scholars of hadith. Musthofa Azami in his book (Metodologi Kritik Hadits) states that there are some things that cause the hadith rejected, including:
1.      The existence of defects in the self-narrator
2.      Contradiction with the hadith more powerful
3.      Contradiction with common sense
4.      From the conflicting statements by the following words of prophecy
Thus four kinds of reasons (according to Mustafa Azami) which can result in a hadith rejected. The four kinds of meaning if the above contained in a Hadith that the consequence is the hadith can not be used as a source of Islamic law, and can not be used as a reinforcement to shari'a law.
Study of 'can or can not be' a hadith used as a source of Islamic shari'a law give birth a view about the quality of the hadith in the view of the scholars of hadith. Scholars of hadith have classified hadith reviewed in terms of quality into two groups, namely maqbûl and mardûd hadith. Maqbûl hadith divided into:
1.      Saheeh (Shahîh) Hadith
Ṣaḥīḥ, (صَحِيْح), is best translated as authentic. ‘Ajaj Al-Khatib quoting the opinion of Abu Amr Ibnu Ash-Shalah, defines Saheeh (Shahîh) Hadith as the one which has a continuous isnad, made up of reporters of trustworthy memory from similar authorities, and which is found to be free from any irregularities (i.e. in the text) or defects (i.e. in the isnad). The same thing was also granted by Hassan Sulaiman al-Nawawi in the book Ahkam Ibanatul, by adding that the narrator should be completely Muslim, of legal age, right mind, have the nature stay away from major sins, both among men and women.
While according to Syuhudi Ismail quoting the opinion of Imam Shafi'i, explained that saheeh hadith is a hadith which continued (Muttaṣil, (مُتَّصِل), refers to a continuous chain of narration in which each narrator has heard that narration from his teacher) its sanad, narrated by the fair, dhabit, the narrators are not entered by illat or syadz. From the definition above can be drawn a conclusion that the hadith when the following criteria:
a)      Continued its sanad (muttashilu sanaduhu)
b)      Narrated by a narrator whose fair and dhabit from the fair and dhabit narrator until the end of its sanad (series of narrators).
c)      Nothing illah and syadz (out of the ordinary) narrator in its sanad
Syaikh Umar bin Syaikh Muhammad bin Futuh al-Dimasqi al-Syafi’i in the science of musthalah hadits contained in the book ‘Taqriirat Mandzumatul Baiquni’, he said There are five requirements for the saheeh hadith:
a)      Continued its sanad (muttashilu sanaduhu)
b)      There is no illat in its sanad
c)      There is no syadz in its sanad
d)     The narrators are people who are fair in narration (‘adlu al-riwayat)
e)      The narrators is thabit peoples
Above criterias have implications for a hadith does not go into the saheeh hadith. Furthermore according to ‘Ajjaj saheeh hadith divided into two kinds, i.e. the shahih li dzatihi and shahih li- ghoirihi is that meets the requirements of shahih to the fullest, pursuant to the terms mentioned above. Whereas shahih li- ghoirihi is that does not meet the requirements of shahih to the fullest. As an example of shahih li dzatihi hadith as below.
لَوْلاَ أَنْ اَشَقَّ عَلَ أُمَّتيِ اَوْ عَلَ النَّاسِ لَأَمَّرْتَهُمْ بِالسِّوَاكِ مَعَ كُلِّ صَلاَةٍ
if it does not incriminating on my people, I will undoubtedly be command siwâk (brushing teeth using siwâk) at each time before perform prayers. (narrated by Bukhari)
However, if the hadith above viewed from the narration of Muhammad bin Amr, then the hadith goes to the group of shahih li- ghoirihi hadith. Muhammad ibn Amr was known as an honest man, but his dhabit (people who acutely aware when accepting hadith, understood when to hear it, and memorize it since receiving up to pass it.) is less than perfect, so the hadith is only up to the level of hasan (according to Ibn Al-Salah).

2.      Hasan Hadith
Linguistically means ‘good’ and there exist somewhat convergent technical definitions. However, in general it expresses the categorization of a hadith's authenticity as acceptable for use as a religious evidence, however, not established to the extent of saheeh hadith.
‘Ajjaj Al-Khatibi quoting the opinion of Ibnu Hajar al-Atsqalani, define Hasan Hadith as khabar ahad (ahad hadith) that narrated by fair and narrator, continued its isnad and there are no syadz and ‘illat in its isnad. However, the dhabit of its isnad is less than the isnad in saheeh hadith. In addition, some are saying that the hasan hadith is hadith narrated by a narrator whose the dhabit level is lower than the narrator of saheeh hadith. From some definitions above can be taken the meeting point that is meant by hasan hadith is hadith that the chain of transmission continued to the prophet Muhammad, narrated by a fair but has the dhabit level is lower than the narrator of saheeh hadith and its transmission avoid the syadz and ‘illat. Hasan hadith is divided into two kinds, namely Hasan Lidzatihi and Hasan Lighairihi. Hasan Lidzatihi is hadith which has requirements of hasan hadith independently.
About the status of hasan hadith as source of law in Islam, scholars of hadith have an opinion that hasan hadith can be used as a source of Islamic shari'a law as well as saheeh hadith. But the level is under saheeh hadith, meaning when there is a contradiction between the two types of this hadith then the saheeh must take precedence.

3.      Da'eef (Dha’if) Hadith
Ḍaʻīf, (ضَعِيْف), is the categorization of a hadith as weak because it has no requirements of hasan hadith let alone saheeh hadith. Hasan Sulaiman define da'eef hadith is hadith has degrees below of hasan hadith because its requirements are not achieve the hasan hadith. From the previous definition could be concluded that da'eef hadith is type of hadith that do not meet the requirements for admission as a hasan hadith.
Type of this hadith is very much at all, according to Shubhi As-Shalih’s testimony, there are three hundred and eighty-one different forms that most do not actual and did not show specific traits. In the kinds of da'eef hadith is termed by scholars of hadith as follows:
1.      Mursal (مُرْسَل) Hadith
2.      Munqaṭiʻ (مُنْقَطِع) Hadith
3.      Muʻḍal (مُعْضَل) Hadith
4.      Mudallas (مدلس) hadith, consisting of:
1.      Tadlis isnad (تدليس إسناد)
2.      Tadlis syuyukh (تدليس شيواخ)
5.      Mua’lal Hadith

Different terms are used for the origin of a narration. These terms specify whether a narration is attributed to the Prophet, a companion, a successor or a latter historical figure. Kinds of hadith to be reviewed from the origin of narrator divided into:
1.      Marfu’ (مَرْفُوْع) refers to a narration attributed to the Prophet specifically. This term does not refer to other than him unless otherwise specified. The category of marfu` is inclusive of narrations attributed to the Prophet regardless of their being muttasil, munqati` or mursal among other categories.
2.      Mawquf (مَوْقُوْف), refers to a narration attributed to a Companion, whether a statement of that companion, an action or otherwise.
3.      Maqtu (مَقْطُوْع), s a narration attributed to a tabiin (successor of Prophet's Companion), whether a statement of that successor, an action or otherwise. In spite of the linguistic similarity, it is distinct from munqati`.

Thus the general discussion about the types of hadith on the our encounters this time. Insya Allah we will discuss about the types of hadith in detail on the another chance. Greeting of love from us and may Allah always bless all of you, wassalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.


At the level of reality, the hadith starting to get serious attention after a fifth period of Umayyad Caliph, that is caliphs Umar ibn Abdul 'Aziz. This is caused by Caliph‘s concern over disappearance of prophetic sunna, with the increasing number of scholars and companions of the Prophet Muhammad who passed away. On the other hand, increasing of Islamic power region is another factor that urged the Caliph ordered his governors to be recorded hadiths that exist in the scholars in their respective areas. From then on many emerging counterfeit hadiths (hadits maudhû’), the scholars at that time did a rigorous selection against existing hadiths. The selection was then spawned a discipline that we know as ‘ulûmul hadits’.
The 'hadith scholars' share hadith through two approaches; first, by looking at the quantity of narrators, ie by looking at the number of narrators who narrated at each level sanad (sanad according to the language is 'backrest' or 'parapet', according to the terms 'hadith scholars' is the way that deliver us to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy, History and Introduction Science of Hadith, (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1954), page 192) of hadith. Second, by looking at the quality of the narrator, which is looking at the valuation of the 'hadith scholars' of the narrators who narrated the hadith. In terms of the number of narrator, there are two forms of the division of hadith. The first form is divided into mutawatir and ahad hadith.
1.      Mutawatir Hadith
Mutawatir hadith is tradition reported by a number of people at every level of isnaad, traditionally it is impossible they agreed to lie and because it believed its truth (Mutawatir). Mutawatir hadith correctly sourced from the Prophet, therefore it is the second source of Islamic law after the Qur'an, in terms of authenticity because they qath'i al-wurud (something that surely its arrival). The scholars agree that the mutawatir hadith shall practiced in all aspects, including in the field of theology. Here are the requirements of a hadith classified into mutawatir:
a) Narrated by a large number of narrator.
b) This huge amount is at all levels (thabaqat) sanad.
c) According to the custom no way they plotting / agreed to lie
d) Backrest their hadith by using the senses, such as their words: we have heard, or we have seen, or we have touched, or something like that. But if they backrest by reasoning, it can not be said to be a hadith mutawatir.
As for the kinds of mutawatir it was parted into three parts:
a)      Mutawatir Lafdhî, when the pronunciation and meaning mutawatir. Eg: (مَنْ كَذَبَ عَلَيَّ مُتَعَمِّدًا فَلْيَتَبَوَّأْ مَقْعَدَهُ مِنْ النَّارِ) "Whoever intentionally lie on my behalf (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) then he would get the seat of fire of hell". This hadith has been narrated by over 70 companions of the Prophet, and among them, including 10 people who are guaranted to go to heaven.
b)      Mutawatir Ma’nawî, is mutawatir in terms of its significance, while the pronunciation is not. eg, the hadiths concerning lifted hands when praying. This hadith has been narrated from the Prophet, around 100 kinds of hadith about raised their hands when praying. And every case is different, whereas every case has not achieve the degree mutawatir. But it could be mutawatir with notes, several roads and similarities between these hadiths, that of lifted hands when praying .

2.      Ahâd Hadith
Ahâd according to the language has a meaning of 'one'. And khabarul-wahid is news that was narrated by one person. While according to the terms ahâd hadith is "hadith which has not met the requirements mutawatir". Ahâd hadith divided into three kinds, namely; Masyhûr, ‘Azîz, dan Gharîb.
ü  Masyhûr, is hadith narrated by three narrators or more, but has not yet reached the degree of mutawatir.
ü  Azîz, is hadith narrated by two narrators at each level of its chain of transmission, even after it narrated also by some narrator.
ü  Gharîb, is hadith that on one of the its sanad level there is only one person narrator.
In general, scholars of hadith classify the hadith reviewed in terms of its quality into two groups, i.e. the 'maqbûl' hadith and 'mardûd' hadith. Maqbûl hadith consists of shahîh hadith and hasan hadith. While mardûd hadith consists of the dha’îf hadith with variant names and terms given by scholars of hadith. Musthofa Azami in his book (Metodologi Kritik Hadits) states that there are some things that cause the hadith rejected, including:
1.      The existence of defects in the self-narrator
2.      Contradiction with the hadith more powerful
3.      Contradiction with common sense
4.      From the conflicting statements by the following words of prophecy
Thus four kinds of reasons (according to Mustafa Azami) which can result in a hadith rejected. The four kinds of meaning if the above contained in a Hadith that the consequence is the hadith can not be used as a source of Islamic law, and can not be used as a reinforcement to shari'a law.
Study of 'can or can not be' a hadith used as a source of Islamic shari'a law give birth a view about the quality of the hadith in the view of the scholars of hadith. Scholars of hadith have classified hadith reviewed in terms of quality into two groups, namely maqbûl and mardûd hadith. Maqbûl hadith divided into:
1.      Saheeh (Shahîh) Hadith
Ṣaḥīḥ, (صَحِيْح), is best translated as authentic. ‘Ajaj Al-Khatib quoting the opinion of Abu Amr Ibnu Ash-Shalah, defines Saheeh (Shahîh) Hadith as the one which has a continuous isnad, made up of reporters of trustworthy memory from similar authorities, and which is found to be free from any irregularities (i.e. in the text) or defects (i.e. in the isnad). The same thing was also granted by Hassan Sulaiman al-Nawawi in the book Ahkam Ibanatul, by adding that the narrator should be completely Muslim, of legal age, right mind, have the nature stay away from major sins, both among men and women.
While according to Syuhudi Ismail quoting the opinion of Imam Shafi'i, explained that saheeh hadith is a hadith which continued (Muttaṣil, (مُتَّصِل), refers to a continuous chain of narration in which each narrator has heard that narration from his teacher) its sanad, narrated by the fair, dhabit, the narrators are not entered by illat or syadz. From the definition above can be drawn a conclusion that the hadith when the following criteria:
a)      Continued its sanad (muttashilu sanaduhu)
b)      Narrated by a narrator whose fair and dhabit from the fair and dhabit narrator until the end of its sanad (series of narrators).
c)      Nothing illah and syadz (out of the ordinary) narrator in its sanad
Syaikh Umar bin Syaikh Muhammad bin Futuh al-Dimasqi al-Syafi’i in the science of musthalah hadits contained in the book ‘Taqriirat Mandzumatul Baiquni’, he said There are five requirements for the saheeh hadith:
a)      Continued its sanad (muttashilu sanaduhu)
b)      There is no illat in its sanad
c)      There is no syadz in its sanad
d)     The narrators are people who are fair in narration (‘adlu al-riwayat)
e)      The narrators is thabit peoples
Above criterias have implications for a hadith does not go into the saheeh hadith. Furthermore according to ‘Ajjaj saheeh hadith divided into two kinds, i.e. the shahih li dzatihi and shahih li- ghoirihi is that meets the requirements of shahih to the fullest, pursuant to the terms mentioned above. Whereas shahih li- ghoirihi is that does not meet the requirements of shahih to the fullest. As an example of shahih li dzatihi hadith as below.
لَوْلاَ أَنْ اَشَقَّ عَلَ أُمَّتيِ اَوْ عَلَ النَّاسِ لَأَمَّرْتَهُمْ بِالسِّوَاكِ مَعَ كُلِّ صَلاَةٍ
if it does not incriminating on my people, I will undoubtedly be command siwâk (brushing teeth using siwâk) at each time before perform prayers. (narrated by Bukhari)
However, if the hadith above viewed from the narration of Muhammad bin Amr, then the hadith goes to the group of shahih li- ghoirihi hadith. Muhammad ibn Amr was known as an honest man, but his dhabit (people who acutely aware when accepting hadith, understood when to hear it, and memorize it since receiving up to pass it.) is less than perfect, so the hadith is only up to the level of hasan (according to Ibn Al-Salah).

2.      Hasan Hadith
Linguistically means ‘good’ and there exist somewhat convergent technical definitions. However, in general it expresses the categorization of a hadith's authenticity as acceptable for use as a religious evidence, however, not established to the extent of saheeh hadith.
‘Ajjaj Al-Khatibi quoting the opinion of Ibnu Hajar al-Atsqalani, define Hasan Hadith as khabar ahad (ahad hadith) that narrated by fair and narrator, continued its isnad and there are no syadz and ‘illat in its isnad. However, the dhabit of its isnad is less than the isnad in saheeh hadith. In addition, some are saying that the hasan hadith is hadith narrated by a narrator whose the dhabit level is lower than the narrator of saheeh hadith. From some definitions above can be taken the meeting point that is meant by hasan hadith is hadith that the chain of transmission continued to the prophet Muhammad, narrated by a fair but has the dhabit level is lower than the narrator of saheeh hadith and its transmission avoid the syadz and ‘illat. Hasan hadith is divided into two kinds, namely Hasan Lidzatihi and Hasan Lighairihi. Hasan Lidzatihi is hadith which has requirements of hasan hadith independently.
About the status of hasan hadith as source of law in Islam, scholars of hadith have an opinion that hasan hadith can be used as a source of Islamic shari'a law as well as saheeh hadith. But the level is under saheeh hadith, meaning when there is a contradiction between the two types of this hadith then the saheeh must take precedence.

3.      Da'eef (Dha’if) Hadith
Ḍaʻīf, (ضَعِيْف), is the categorization of a hadith as weak because it has no requirements of hasan hadith let alone saheeh hadith. Hasan Sulaiman define da'eef hadith is hadith has degrees below of hasan hadith because its requirements are not achieve the hasan hadith. From the previous definition could be concluded that da'eef hadith is type of hadith that do not meet the requirements for admission as a hasan hadith.
Type of this hadith is very much at all, according to Shubhi As-Shalih’s testimony, there are three hundred and eighty-one different forms that most do not actual and did not show specific traits. In the kinds of da'eef hadith is termed by scholars of hadith as follows:
1.      Mursal (مُرْسَل) Hadith
2.      Munqaṭiʻ (مُنْقَطِع) Hadith
3.      Muʻḍal (مُعْضَل) Hadith
4.      Mudallas (مدلس) hadith, consisting of:
1.      Tadlis isnad (تدليس إسناد)
2.      Tadlis syuyukh (تدليس شيواخ)
5.      Mua’lal Hadith

Different terms are used for the origin of a narration. These terms specify whether a narration is attributed to the Prophet, a companion, a successor or a latter historical figure. Kinds of hadith to be reviewed from the origin of narrator divided into:
1.      Marfu’ (مَرْفُوْع) refers to a narration attributed to the Prophet specifically. This term does not refer to other than him unless otherwise specified. The category of marfu` is inclusive of narrations attributed to the Prophet regardless of their being muttasil, munqati` or mursal among other categories.
2.      Mawquf (مَوْقُوْف), refers to a narration attributed to a Companion, whether a statement of that companion, an action or otherwise.
3.      Maqtu (مَقْطُوْع), s a narration attributed to a tabiin (successor of Prophet's Companion), whether a statement of that successor, an action or otherwise. In spite of the linguistic similarity, it is distinct from munqati`.

Thus the general discussion about the types of hadith on the our encounters this time. Insya Allah we will discuss about the types of hadith in detail on the another chance. Greeting of love from us and may Allah always bless all of you, wassalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


         Takhrij is is a form of 'masdar' (masdar often called the isim ma'na (إسم المعني), which suggests the meaning of a word / meaning regardless of time and period) of fi'il madhi (past tense verb), kharaja, yakhriju, takhrija, which literally means 'pulled something from somewhere'. Or in other words, etymologically, takhrij word comes from kharaja, which means al-zuhur (visible) and al-buruj (obviously). Takhrij also could mean al-istinbath (issued), al-tadrib (researching) and al-taujih (explain).

While the definition of takhrij, according to experts hadith has three meanings, are:
  1. Search of sanad hadith contained in the book of hadith works of others, that is not the same as the sanad contained in the book. Such enterprises is called istikhraj. For example, someone took a hadith from the book Jami 'al-Sahih al-Muslim, then he searched the sanad of that hadith which different isnaad set by Muslims.
  2. a statement that the hadith that moved into his work was also contained in the other books that have mentioned the name of the constituent.
  3. an effort to find the degree of the sanad and hadith narrator that is not explained by composer or author of a book of hadith

There are several benefits of takhrij al-Hadith, among others:
  1. Provide information that a hadith including saheeh hadeeth, hasan, or da'eef (weak hadith), after extensive research in terms of matan and isnaad.
  2. Makes it easy for others who want to practice a hadith after  after learning that the quality of these hadith is makbûl  (acceptable). And otherwise, do not practice it when it is known that a hadith is mardûd (rejected) and reinforce the belief that a hadith is actually derived from the Holy Prophet  we should follow because of the strong evidence of the truth of the hadith, both in terms of the sanad and of matan.

There are some books (and it's also called 'dictionary of hadith') that needed to do takhrij hadith, the books are:
  • Hidayat al-Bari ila Tartibi Ahâditsi Al-Bukhari
          Authors of this book is Ambar Abdurrahman al-Misri al-Tahtawi. The book is structured specifically to seek hadiths contained in Saheeh al-Bukhari. Pronunciations of hadith arranged in alphabetical order of Arabic, however the hadiths raised repeatedly in al-Saheeh are not loaded repeatedly in this dictionary hadith. Thus, differences in pronunciation of matan of al-Bukhari's hadith can not be known through this dictionary.
  • Mu’jam Al-Fazi wala Syyiama al-Garibu minha (Fihris Litartibi ahaditsi Sahih Muslim)
          This book is one of the fifth chapters of the book of Sahih Muslim in edit by Mohammed Abdul Baqi. This fifth chapters is a dictionary of the sixth chapters, that contain; list the title of the book along with the number of hadith and chapter, and list the name of the Prophet's companions who narrated the hadith contained in Saheeh Muslim.
  • Miftâhus Shahihain
          The book is compiled by Mohammed Syarif bin Mustafa al-Tauqadi. his book can be used to find the hadiths narrated by Muslim, but the hadiths contained in this book are simply hadiths in the form of words (qauliyah) only. The hadiths are arranged alphabetically, from the beginning of the hadith pronunciation / pronunciation of matan hadith.
  • Al-Bugyatu fi Tarbi Ahadasi Al-Hilyah
          The book is compiled by Sayyid Abdul Aziz ibn al-Sayyid Mohammed bin Sayyid Siddiq al-Qammari. The book contains and explains the hadiths that are listed in book composed by Abu Nu'aim al-Asbuni (d. 430 of Hijra). 
  • Al- Jamius Shagir
          This book was compiled by Imam Jalaludin Abdurrahman al-Suyuthi (d. 91 of Hijra). he book contains the hadiths collected in the book set by As-Suyuthi also, namely book Jami 'al-Jawani. Hadiths contained in the book is arranged in alphabetical order of the initial of matan pronunciation of hadith. Some of the hadiths are written in full and some are written in parts alone but have to contain a sufficient understanding.
  • Al-Mujam Al-Mufahras li Alfazil Hadits Nabawi
          Authors of the book is a team from among the Orientalists. Among the team members are most active in the preparation process is Dr. Wensick John Arnold (d. 939 AD). He is a professor of Semitic languages​​, including Arabic at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. The book is intended to find hadith by matan pronunciation of hadith guide. Various pronunciations presented are not restricted by the pronunciation in the middle and other parts of the matan of hadith. Thus the book Mu'jam able to provide information to searcher of matan and the sanad of hadith, with a note: that some of the pronunciation of matan that he was looking for he knew.

         Book Mu `jam consists of seven chapters and can be used to find the hadiths contained in the nine top most books of ahadith (known as kutub al-tis'ah), namely; Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Nasai, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Daromi, Muatta Malik, Musnad Ahmad.


           Broadly speaking, takhrij hadith (takhrij al-hadith) can be done in two ways, as for how the two ways are as follows:
  • First, by knowing the beginning of matan of a hadith, then the hadith is searchable or traced in the books of hadith dictionary, by finding by finding suitable initial letter with the alphabet.
  • Second, browse the hadith by topic issues (takhrij al-hadits bil maudhu'i). Efforts to find the hadith are sometimes not based on the pronunciation of matan (matter)of hadith but based on the subject matter. Search hadith on issues topic is greatly help for the reviewer who want to understand the instructions hadith in every context.
         Furthermore, Abdul Madjid Khon explained that because of many hadith books collection process it really needed some methods takhrij according to the technique of the hadith book that you want to conscientious. At least, there are five methods takhrij within the meaning of hadith tracking from the source books of hadith, namely; takhrij by words, takhrij by the theme, takhrij by the beginning of matan, takhrij through the first isnaad, and takhrij by nature.

          There are eight kinds of ways that can be used to track hadiths contained in the Nine Books of Hadith (kutub al-tis'ah), the hadith tracking methods are:
  1. By choosing hadith contained in the list pronunciation according to the hadith in question.
  2. By using one pronunciation in matan of hadith
  3. Based on the content of hadith
  4. Based on the book and the chapter as it is in the original book.
  5. Based on the serial number of hadith
  6. Based on the narrator.
  7. Based on certain aspects of the hadith.
  8. Based on takhrij hadith it self.
          Thus a brief article about takhrij hadith this time. Actually takhrij hadith activities is a complex activity and could only done by those who are professionals in the field of hadith. However, every muslim people required to know the basic knowledge of hadith because we should not accept something categorically laid down to the Holy Prophet. Because hadith is something that is important in Islam, which directly affects the shari'ah (law) in the religion of Islam.

        At least, every Muslim could know that a hadith is really word of the prophet Mohammed by analyzing the sentence. Usually the contents of saying of the Prophet composed of short sentences, clear, concise, and quality. Thus this article, may be useful. If anyone is needed or do not understand, we can discussion or sharing via the comments at the end of the blog. Hopefully Useful, Wassalamu'alaikum and Allah's blessings be with you all

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